By examining the user scenarios and researching the actual needs, we launched the features of bulk binding chargers and set operator on the Pre-configuration page.
If external electricians are installing your NexBlue charger, this feature eliminates the need for them to share management permissions with you after the installation. You can proactively add multiple NexBlue chargers to your organization before installation, pre-configuring them with a specific Operator.
You can view the record of all binding records, and the progress of the installation of all chargers. Additionally, we are also working on implementing the features for modifying and deleting the pre-configuration of a charger.
This feature is exclusive to administrators of NexBlue Registered Organization. If you cannot find the Pre-configuration in the menu, kindly ensure that your account is associated with an organization registered on NexBlue and that you have an administrator role within the organization( please refer to the video guide).